Trufrost-VC-220 Visi Cooler

These door models come in an elegant body and door frame and supply a view of the foodstuff that is exhibited — be it drinks, dairy products or some other things and can be found in 220 capacity.


Additional information

Dimensions 53.34 × 53.34 × 157.48 cm
Power Input



Product Features

Brand: Trufrost
Model: VC 220
Gross Volume (Liters): 220
Temperature Range: 0-10°C
Power (w): 67.9
Lock: Yes
Defrost: Yes
No. of Lids / Doors: 1
No. of shelves:3
Interior Light: Yes / Normal
Wheels / Castors: Yes,4
No. of Compressors: 1
Refrigerant: R600a