Icematic SFN1000 Modular Ice Flaker

The Icematic modular ice flakes utilise a vertical cylindrical evaporator that permits instantaneous and continuous creation of large quantities of flaked ice. The machines produce ice at a temperature of -1°c making it perfect for transport, preservation and display of food as well as for cocktails and beverages.

A machine for the production of granular or crushed ice with maximum generation and energy savings. Only 25 water is contained by ice.

Ice manufacturing capacity is 1220 kg / 24 hours. The ice maker is sent with no ice deposit.

The ice it generates is especially meant for restaurants and supermarkets (for displaying and maintaining different fresh fish and foods ), medical labs and for various industrial uses.


Additional information

Weight 179 kg
Dimensions 69.8 × 106.5 × 85 cm


Product Features

  • High-quality ice flaker
  • Air-cooled condenser
  • Compact design
  • Storage bin and production areas protected by AgIon
  • Vertical cylindrical evaporator for immediate production
  • 1150kg production
  • Requires seperate storage bin
  • 1065 x 698 x 850 (w,d,h mm)